Exciting and diverse as always

DACHfilmzeit: Main competition in Kaufbeuren
It started with a single competition mixing everything, even video art. Over the years, we developed more specialised competitions with new prizes.
The original competition became the main German-language competition and finally the DACHfilmzeit with productions from Germany (D), Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH).
It still features a surprising mix of genres. Documentaries, however, have their own stage, the Dokufilmzeit.
Three prizes are awarded in the competition: the Jury Award, the Innovation Award and the Audience Award. In addition, the jury may award commendations.

Katharina Breinbauer
Even during her studies in political science and education in Bamberg from 2016 to 2021, she was involved in cultural projects such as "kontakt" initiated by the AStA Bamberg. The native of Munich was also active at the Bamberg Short Film Festival during this time.
The honorary position eventually turned into a professional vocation, so that Katharina Breinbauer took over the festival coordination of Bavaria's oldest short film festival in 2021.
Between the short film seasons, the film enthusiast can be found as a projectionist, behind the counter of Bamberg's art-house cinemas or in the Offene Werkstatt Bamberg, where she holds the position of treasurer.
Photo © Maria Svidryk

Florian Pilz
The Austrian theatre director first studied religious education and English in Graz and Vienna. Working as a trainee and assistant director and stage manager for drama and musical theatre productions paved his way to numerous important cultural venues. In addition to the Burgtheater in Vienna and the Vereinigte Bühnen in Bolzano, he worked for the Salzburg and Tiroler Festspiele, amongst others.
Nowadays his directs his own productions at the Theater Phönix in Linz, such as DER MENSCHENFEIND 2017 and the world premiere of TAUMEL UND TUMULT 2021.
His co-direction and co-lead in the short film STIEDL, STEINMEIER, GOTT UND DIE WELT brought an invitation to the Filmzeit festival in 2015.

Heio von Stetten
After an intense childhood on his parents' farm near Augsburg, he took a completely different path by studying acting at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich.
From 1987 to 1993 Heio von Stetten belonged to the ensemble of the Munich Volkstheater and the Munich Schauburg. After his first cinema role in the comedy HONIGMOND, he became known to the wider public in 1997 with the blockbuster DAS MERKWÜRDIGE VERHALTEN GESCHLECHTSREIFER GROSSSTÄDTER ZUR PAARUNGSZEIT.
He has worked with well-known directors such as Margarethe von Trotta, Gabriel Barylli and Dietrich Brüggemann and has appeared in many TV films and series. Since 2005 he has been involved in the extracurricular education programme LILALU.
Photo © Christian Hartmann