From Kaufbeuren to other places in Allgäu
It all started in 2008 in Kaufbeuren with a single competition mixing all themes and genres as well as German and international films. To this day, the mix of genres is one of the hallmarks of the festival.
But within a few years it was clear that too many good documentaries didn't find space and time. So a second competition was born for documentaries – the Dokufilmzeit , which developed into a popular festival branch.
For an increasing number of submissions from abroad, Filmzeit International was founded as a third competition. 2020 the competition moved to Kempten.
Further competitions are the Democracy Award, sponsored by the city of Kaufbeuren, and the Musikfilmzeit in Immenstadt for films related to music and dance. 2022 the Heimatfilmzeit in Kempten will be added, and after a break there is once again the Kinderfilmzeit for primary school children in Kaufbeuren.
The original filmzeit has since become the DACHfilmzeit for productions in German from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Shortlists 2022
– in alphabetical order –
Jurypreis der DACHfilmzeit:
Innovationspreis der DACHfilmzeit:
Jurypreis der Filmzeit International
Jurypreis der Heimatfilmzeit
Jurypreis der Musikfilmzeit:
Preis der Dokufilmzeit: